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© 2014 Abbey Bottomley Proudly created with on the 30/04/2014.

(Disclaimer:  Unless stated otherwise, I own none of the images on this site.  They are copyright of their original owner and I in no way claim ownership of them).


(Page finished on the 11/06/2014).

This section of my site is all about my wonderful, amazing boyfriend, Blake who really is my whole world and means the world to me. From 2008-2013 I had quite a hard time in my life. I met Blake at uni and we were friends but then I left uni and never thought I'd see him again. Then in May 2013, he followed me on Twitter and we were in contact again. Then on the 26th of August 2013, we got together! Saying yes to him was the best damned decision I ever made because Blake's completely changed my life for the better and cured my depression. He's such an amazing person who is so supportive and caring and whom I have near enough everything in common with. I cannot imagine my life without him!



Yes that's right, Blake's an indie game developer who's working on his very first game! It is a Tower Defence game called Bulwark and should be finished/released before September. He's put so much time and effort into it so far and it really shows! He's created everything by himself and Bulwark has awesome visuals for an indie project. The different environments look fab and offer different challenges to each other. I can't wait to give it a try myself! Looks great fun. Keep updated on his project via twitter and his blog Fallen Productions.

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